© Annika Kolken/Das Bergische

Bonte Kerke Lieberhausen

Short facts

  • Gummersbach

Die Bonten Kerken - zu hochdeutsch "Bunten Kirchen" -

The “Bonten Kerken” - "Bunten Kirchen" in High German (colourful churches) - compel visitors to look up at all times. The mostly simple churches with the medieval ceiling paintings have been preserved hardly anywhere in Germany other than the Bergisches Land. Most of the churches were built in the 11th and 13th centuries. The churches were painted with religious motifs for educational purposes shortly after they were built, so the farming segment of the population, who could neither read nor write, could be taught the contents of the Bible. The paintings also survived the Reformation - many were added to over the centuries and in some cases new paintings were even created.

Today, all of the Bonten Kerken have been lovingly restored. In their simplicity and colourfulness, they offer a precious contrast to the often extremely ornate cathedrals and pilgrimage churches in the area.

In Lieberhausen, you can see the Creation, the Fall of Man, St. George fighting the dragon, the Last Judgement and the story of John the Baptist, among others. The “Bonte Kerke” (colourful church) is a three-naved Romanesque pillar basilica. Over the course of time it was extended and converted in the Late Gothic style. In 1586 came the Reformation. After that, new paintings were added so pictures from both before and after the Reformation appear here, which is unique throughout the Rhineland.

Landgasthof Reinhold is particularly worth recommending, next to the "Bonte Kerke". It offers accommodation and good, home-style cuisine. You should definitely try the Lieberhausen speciality, pancakes!

The village of Lieberhausen has won the “Unser Dorf soll schöner werden” (Our village should be more beautiful) prize several times and is truly worth seeing with its winding alleyways and old timber-framed houses.

Good to know


Bonte Kerke Lieberhausen
51647 Gummersbach - Lieberhausen

Phone: +49 2763 / 7246
Website: www.lieberhausen.de

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